Posts Tagged ‘Houndstooth’

Some Watch Bama Football, I Live It

September 17, 2009

Many people watch Alabama football. No wonder our games are televised so often. I think if Alabama games weren’t televised in the state, and probably some other pockets where a number of us reside, anarchy would ensue. But of these people, many of whom consider themselves “the biggest fans,” how many of them really and truly live Alabama football. I know I do.

By “living” it, I don’t mean you think about it every day, that you read about it every day or that you can even talk intelligently about it every day. If that’s the case, then check, check, and check.

I wear it, sleep it, tell time by it, drink it, walk it, rub it in, accessorize it, and yes, even eat it. Check out these brownies I made in the shape of Alabama’s script ‘A’ logo. And, yes, if it wasn’t obvious already, they tasted like sweet, sweet victory.

Saint Nick Ushers in Holidays Early

September 1, 2009

Saban Pledges Coaching Career to Bama

Saban Pledges Coaching Career to Bama

Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, President’s Day and Fat Tuesday came early for Alabama fans this week when Nick Saban signed a three-year contract extension and pledged his commitment to spending the rest of his coaching career at the Capstone. I, for one, celebrated by drinking an entire pitcher of crimson Kool-Aid while wearing houndstooth head to toe. Yes, I realize that the black-and-white-checked pattern that has enjoyed a renewed popularity is most closely associated with “The Bear,” but it is a tribute (more…)